Though the dietary supplement industry is growing immensely every day, it remains largely unregulated, even by the FDA.
Dietary supplement manufacturers are responsible for putting warning labels on their products, conducting tests in order to make sure their products are safe, and be transparent about the ingredients they use and the side effects that might occur before the dietary supplements are distributed to the consumers.
According to a study, DSHEA or Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act prohibits dietary supplements that pose a threat to consumer health and might lead to injuries. However, this is mostly reserved for new ingredients that don’t have a lot of research regarding the efficacy and safety of the products.
These regulatory requirements have made it difficult for dietary supplement manufacturers to fly under the radar with their products but not impossible.
If you want to know more about misleading claims for dietary supplements and how you can protect yourself, here are some things you need to know.
Misleading claims
Whether it’s the FTC or DSHEA, both authoritative bodies require dietary companies to provide labels and advertising that are truthful, substantiated, and not misleading. However, this hasn’t stopped many manufacturers from making false claims and putting your lives at risk.
In 2016, consumers were able to sue CVS for claiming, Algal, a dietary supplement, could improve their memory. The evidence presented by the company was completely untrue, leading the manufacturers to legal trouble.
Unfortunately, this wasn’t the only case; the FTC continues to track down dietary supplement companies for their false claims and inadequate evidence.
Some of the most common misleading claims that come with dietary supplements have something to do with weight loss, preying on insecure consumers, and making misguided health claims, luring older adults and people with incurable diseases into their traps.

How to be a smart consumer?
When looking for dietary supplements, stick to using trustworthy websites like the FDA or USDA. They’ll provide you with better, more accurate information than compared to private sellers and retailers.
If some dietary supplements are making claims that seem too good to be true, there’s a high possibility they probably are.
Get help from the best corporate law firms in San Diego
As a law firm in San Diego, we know everything there is to know about dietary supplement law and can provide effective solutions to your legal concerns.
At Top Performance Legal, we offer dietary supplement legal services to those who’ve been taken advantage of by false marketing or have suffered an injury from dietary supplements. Our team will work tirelessly, ensuring you get proper compensation for your pains and trouble.
For dietary supplement legal services California, contact us or give us a call at 858-414-7465