Top Performance Legal

Two dietary supplement pills in a woman’s hands

What To Do If You’ve Been Injured by a Dietary Supplement

Like prescription drugs, dietary supplements like vitamins, biotins, and minerals also have risks and side-effects. However, unlike drug manufacturers, dietary supplement makers don’t disclose all the technical information that may highlight the potential risks of their products.

The risk of suffering from unwanted side-effects of a dietary supplement is greater because people tend to self-medicate without any input from a medical professional. This makes them vulnerable to the dangers of health issues and diseases. While dietary supplements are developed to promote physical health and wellbeing, they may or may not suit your body. As informed by various medical sources, it’s important for consumers to be fully aware of all the potential risks of dietary supplements.

Unfortunately, dietary supplements aren’t reviewed or approved by FDA. Unless they contain a new dietary ingredient, the food and drug authority doesn’t regulate it. However, the organization tracks and reports the injuries and reactions caused by supplements. And the manufacturers are required to report severe effects to the FDA, if any.

Therefore, it’s important to know your rights in case you encounter an injury by dietary supplements.

Know the Dietary Supplement Label

Edible or injectable products sold as dietary supplements have a Supplement Facts label that lists the active elements, the quantity per serving (dosage), and other ingredients such as preservatives, flavorings, and binders. The manufacturer’s serving size or dose is usually generic hence, it’s recommended to consult a professional to know the suitable dose for you.

Watch out for any disease claims on the dietary supplement’s packaging. Any statements like “this supplement shrinks malignant tumors” is deemed inappropriate. Drugs that make disease claims are regulated by the FDA. However, functional claims such as “this biotin supplement aids in reducing hair fall” is permissible for dietary supplements.

Various dietary supplement bottles on store shelves

The other two types of claims that are allowed on the dietary supplement packaging include nutrient claims and health claims.

When to File a Dietary Supplement Injury Claim?

Here’s when you should file a dietary supplement lawsuit:

  • You suffer from a medical side effect after consumption
  • You spot a misprinted disease claim on the product packaging
  • The product was defected
  • If the supplements cause liver damage

How to Increase the Chances of Winning a Dietary Supplement Personal Injury Lawsuit

As a plaintiff, you must prove your injuries resulted from the dietary supplement usage. This involves a combination of medical evidence, physical evidence, and factual data. Moreover, you should also provide information about economic or non-economic loss such as pain and suffering.

Does Your Dietary Supplement Claim Qualify as a Class Action

If you’re one of many people who’ve been injured by the side effects of a dietary supplements, it means that all the plaintiffs can sue the manufacturer using a class action. An experienced dietary supplement attorney or a top personal injury attorney San Diego can help you determine whether your claim fit the class action criteria.

Get in touch with us for swift dietary supplement injury litigation at Top Performance Legal. We’re a leading law firm in California equipped with experienced commercial litigation lawyer San Diego, personal injury lawyers, and wrongful death lawsuit lawyers, among many others.

Contact us to book a consultation right away!